My dumb tweets

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kilplix N Tate Play Portal 2 Episode 1


  1. Hehe, Tot's an awesome sport, sir. And you seem bored out of your mind, Austin.

    Point that laser - OW!

  2. It was painful to see you struggling to figure out the "How do I get the cube across to you" moment.

  3. This game is malicious...I thought I was gonna die when the video was over, it was like reading a good book.

  4. no no seriously...USE THE FUCKING PING TOOL...theres a reason valve made it like the very first thing you learn

  5. Wow! It's a little bit confuse for me.But I thought it very cool.:D

  6. "I hate this game," Kilplix said, but I know you enjoyed it, Kilplix, you just will not accept it. Go on, admit it, you like the game, don't you?

  7. I'm not trying to sound like a troll or an asshole, but this is probably the only video from kilplix that i DIDN'T LIKE.
    When i was watching, Kilplix wasn't really into the game most of the time... It felt boring, cause Tate was trying hard to enjoy the game, and Kilplix is over there like... "Meh, i don't like this game." Kinda hard to enjoy something when the person you're watching is saying that OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Not trying to be an asshole/troll, just saying...

  8. @Zach: I kinda felt something like that, except the thing about Tate. He was really enjoying the game, just wtached his stream of the single player campaign.
    The thing is with Austin being "meh", the game is incredible. At least, I'm pretty sure he'll change his mind after some more hours of co-op gameplay. I mean, he stated that he wasn't into the first Portal because of the puzzles.

    Anyway it was fun watching you guys trying to solve stuff.

  9. Austin enjoys the game, just wait until later in the gameplay. We had a lot of fun a little bit in, haha.

  10. 15:50 is that a crying dog in the background? Poor thing.

  11. I enjoyed the gameplay, I've never played portal so I had no idea what to expect but it rather enjoying to watch.

  12. Yea Justin. My mom locks my dog in my room so he doesn't bark and attack her friends when they come over. LOL.

  13. @Muki I read a comment on some youtube video by Con that said "If people asked you to play a game with people you didn't like much, would you play?" it was rather rude towards Kilplix and everybody.

  14. It was so painful watching you guys play. Did you even play the campaign?
    Entertaining it was, but I was like, 'Right there! Put the por- *facepalm* Not there!'

    All in all, I'm waiting for part 2.

  15. Does anyone know when sariix's next minecraft vid is coming out?

  16. Hey Kilplix, I had a suggestion about donations. Coestar on youtube makes tributes to people that give him donations, if you do this as well it might give insentive. Big fan by the way, keep it up.
