Besides games? I don't fear games though =P I think my biggest fear is not being accepted by people, fear of being alone the rest of my life.. stupid fears really
Don't have one
I like this time period juuust fine, technology man, technology
I haven't seen the list so far yet, I'm not sure really.. I mean it's first party games only right?
I like predators better
Thanks =P it's honestly just the whole pulling faces thing during gameplay, everyone pulls weird faces when reacting to scares or games or whatever, I may stream with my stupid face some time in the future, got to use my webcam sometime
No, I have no idea what i'd stream for 24 hours, plus I like sleep too much
I never even played an F zero game when I first started smash bros, I just loved his punch, who wouldn't? After that I started mastering him, and in melee got dang good
I've no idea
I will mod the piss out of it some day when I get the urge to play again
It did? didn't know that
Not really surprisingly
play with my boobs the whole time
why would I choose raditz, he's dead in the first few eps
I wouldn't say the Predator race/species is honorable, if they lose they blow everything up. To me they seem like sore losers.