My dumb tweets

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

kilplix plays minecraft episode 4


  1. I was just WAITING for you to ragequit ^.^

  2. Most common phrase: ARE YA SERIOUS!??!!?!!!!?!?!?!?1111!!!11?!!!!!?eleven!!!!one!!!!one!!!!?!?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was watching this when my friend was visiting and she was like 'What in the world is he yelling about!?' as I was laughing hysterically; this is the kind of stuff that made me subscribe in the first place. Not so much enjoying your frustration, just how you make it funny while wanting to throw your keyboard across the room. And it doesn't matter if you have anyone playing with you, this is your blog and your youtube, a true fan would like your videos, solo or with company <3

  5. I felt sorry for the fox...yelping in pain. :(

  6. if u wanna tame a horse u use 2 breads and a saddle, black stallion u use 3 breads and a saddle, unicorn u use 4 breads and a saddle and u right click to give them stuff. Also about 4 bones for a wolf. Make sure u build a barn or house for them so they dont get killed and do it far away from monster spawns like ur house. Kill all bears and other vicious animals around it.

  7. Whut? I didn't watch it yesterday cause I was busy and thinking "I'll do it tomorrow morning" and now that I come to watch the video, it got deleted?

  8. He probably deleted them so that he can upload a new one and then put the existing one in YouTube i thought you guys knew the pattern?

  9. Orges smash into Kilplix house like they Kool-aid.

    Just need to replace smash sound with a 'Oh Yea' and Kilplix set to go. =D

    Also Kilplix... Tree house... that is all.

  10. Kilplix, you have a terrible Minecraft life and I am honestly surprised you haven't Minecraft suicided yet.
