My dumb tweets

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kilplix Plays Minecraft Episode 5


  1. have you heard of the "timber" mod
    its bad ass cut the bottom of a tree and all above breaks too

  2. I think the family will be very thankful that you re-built their house :)

  3. hey kilplix when ever im bored i just watch your videos and no matter what happens i'll always be your fan ^---^
    by the way i also live in Florida i'll greet you when you arrive (maybe) i just wanted to let you know how awesome your are and don't listen to what those pansies say they're just angry and alone. Not kissing up or anything just appreciating the laughs you give me when you scream.
    Keep up the good work!

  4. Looks like you are really getting used to minecraft(Imagine spawning 100 ogres)Well I'm moving out of my place(finally)next month with the help of $15,000 that I got from selling off some of my family land and Im moving to the apartments near the store i work at and it's near my school.So yeah Keep up the vids,Have a good move to florida,and Yeah..

  5. Best Minecraft Episode because it talks about Calvados (where I live :p).

  6. Lolololol OH gosh, The "shaddap" at the begining started the lawls

  7. Hey! um for some reason the video is removed, thought id let you know in case youtube messed up again!
