My dumb tweets

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Top Freakouts May 2012


  1. You are, bar none, the most obnoxious individual I've ever had the displeasure of having to listen to in my entire life.

    1. Yet you don't hate him enough to not ridicule him in a video where everything is basically him freaking out? Fuck you

    2. HAVING to listen to? you're really too stupid to press that RED X on your browser to close the window? GEEZ man... my sympathies

  2. 1. i wish i could have seen the mario 3 livestream, 2. you should try kaizo mario. 3. dont listen to john, youre a good guy that i find funny. 4. you should try and do a facecam for battletoads, just saying.

  3. Btw, Kilplix, there is a Super Mario Bros 3 hack somewhere on the internet!

    I haven't played it myself but I heard it's even better than the original!

    You might wanna give it a try!

  4. when was the SMB 3 livestream posted? I wanted to c tht
